"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."

- Benjamin Franklin

The COVID-19 Pandemic has brought about an unexpected and unprecedented crisis that has affected the whole world at every level.

Economically, many businesses have come to a halt, or have greatly reduced their operations due to social distancing and stay-at-home orders.

While we are optimistic that this pandemic will eventually subside, we cannot say for sure when this will happen as the cases continue to currently build up. In the meantime, we are waking up to different scenarios developing in this new world. This means that we should keep adapting so that we don't get stuck or left behind as the whole world adjusts to this situation. All the more important now is to be ready with your Business Strategy for every scenario.


brings you the

Equip Yourself with Critical Business Strategy Creation Skills for Adapting to the New Normal

The SURVIVE! Bootcamp aims to equip business owners with the principles and tools that they need to adapt their businesses to the new world and to be able to navigate through this pandemic and emerge stronger and more agile. 

This Bootcamp will tackle


Watch Intro Video

Through this Bootcamp, you as participants will be given practical steps and measures that you can take in order for your business to KEEP MOVING.

Here are the DETAILS:

Jam is a Senior Consultant and Lead Trainer of Convergent Experience for Strategic Planning and Competitive Intelligence, with over 27 years of experience in the field of Strategic Business Planning and Analysis, Competitive Intelligence Development, Management Consultancy and Leadership Development.

He is also the Managing Director of Actelligos, a business consulting firm specializing in intelligence, strategy and competition around Asia. Jam graduated in the 95th percentile from the Philippine Military Academy for Strategy and Leadership. He took up further studies on General Management in Asian Institute of Management.

 Jam's corporate experience exposed him to critical positions in different regional companies: 

Global Head of Intelligence and Strategy, Asia Pulp and Paper 

  • Worked closely with the CEO on worldwide strategic issues
  • Developed strategy frameworks and metrics for analyzing market opportunities, evaluating internal capabilities and crafting appropriate action plans.
  • Conducted wargames and scenarios to stress-test business strategies against competitor plans and market forecasts.

Head of Intelligence, AIA Philippines

  • Supported the strategic transformation program by incorporating initiatives for increasing market awareness, customer intimacy, competitor sensitivity and strategic smarts.

Managing Director, Fuld and Company

  • Led a team of consultants (Asia) providing custom market and competitive insights and strategies across industry verticals like healthcare, technology, financial services, manufacturing, operations, business process and retails
  • Managed the go-to-market strategy, business development and consultative selling of intelligence research, training simulations and process consulting services in Asia. 

Project Director, AMI Business Consulting (APAC Region)

  • Managed over 50 strategic research projects around Asia
  • Advised business executives on market opportunities, competitive intent and capabilities, industry evolution and trends, their implications, and the appropriate strategies to take to win in Asia

Head of Strategy, UCPB Group of Companies

  • Handled the entire strategy research, analysis, development, implementation and evaluation processes
  • Managed the Economic & Business Research, Corporate Planning & Implementation, and Performance Monitoring, Evaluation & Analysis departments


OVERVIEW Video Module

  • Economical Impact of COVID-19
  • 4 Key Business Strategies (Suit Up, Scan, Survive, Soar)

MODULE 1 - SUIT UP: Internal Assessment

  • FRAMEWORK: Strategic Square
  • SAMPLE Strategic Squares

SELF-PACED Learning Worksheets 


MODULE 2SCAN: External Assessment

  • REVIEW: Strategic Square Case Studies
  • FRAMEWORK P.E.S.T.L.E. Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental Factors
  • Impact of COVID-19 on Business

SELF-PACED Learning Worksheets 


Module 3SURVIVE: Scenario Development

  • 5 Purposes of Scenario Analysis
  • 4 P's of Scenario Thinking
  • FRAMEWORK: Scenario Cone
  • Scenario Examples

SELF-PACED Learning Worksheets 


9:00 am 

Module 4SOAR: New Strategy Execution

  • Quick Recap of Modules 1, 2, 3
  • TOOL: Probability Impact Grid (P.I.G.) 
  • P.I.G. Case Studies
  • Scenarios (by McKinsey)
  • Crafting your NEW Strategic Square

SELF-PACED Learning Worksheets 

The Virtual Learning Experience will include:

1. PERSONAL CONVERGENT ONLINE LXP ACCOUNT to access all the 7 Learning Video launched DAILY. 


  • Business Plan Templates
  • Strategy Square Framework
  • Internal Assessment
  • Environmental Scanning
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • Strategy Impact Analysis
  • Scenario Development
  • Strategic Adjustment
  • Developing Probable, Plausible, & Possible Futures
  • Probability Impact Grid
  • New Strategy Execution



  • Internal Assessment
  • External Assessment
  • Scenario Development
  • Future Strategy Building



That’s only PHP 3.850 INCLUDING VAT and Paypal fees

Note: The payment gateway is PayPal, but you may choose the the CREDIT/DEBIT CARD option if you do not have a PayPal Account.

What People are saying about the Business Strategies...

Rodolfo Azanza

Norconsult Phils.

The models presented gave me a structured way of thinking about a very complicated challenge at hand. And a clear way of looking at how to make sense of the future as the “new normal”.

Aidelina Tejano


The speaker was clear. I appreciate so much his opinion on the new normal, his thoughts about what to do as the head of a company, and his practical tips on the current scenario. Full but it came to light and was easily understood.

Jonathan Adonis

Abiva Publishing House, Inc.

Very insightful. The content is highly relevant for business leaders who are preparing their organization for the advent of new normal in their respective industries.

Mary Grace Santos

Li’l People

This webinar made me realize not to be relaxed. It became an eye opener for me that things will not be the same for my industry and should therefore act.

Albert Cabriga Lee

Business strategies discussed by Sir Jam M were really insightful and helpful for the businesses during these trying times of pandemic.

Vives Reyes

I have benefited from being provided with templates & tools that are easy to understand and apply at work. Complex ideas for how strategy is made have been made simple and fun to make.

Krisly Salamanca


One of my learnings is the assessment of aspects in the business in order to come up with a concrete plan for the new normal. While doing the assessment, you will discover many opportunities. Aside from survival, this is also a guide to become resilient for future problems that may come to the business.

Prech Servidad


You need to adapt and to be willing to adapt. Control what you can control. You need to move forward while still learning the new processes in order to move forward and not get left behind.

Note: The payment gateway is PayPal, but you may choose the the CREDIT/DEBIT CARD option if you do not have a PayPal Account.